Katzen Museum Welcomes Giving Together
February 23, 2023
Twenty-five GT members visited the Katzen American University Museum at the end of February for a special tour led by GT member and AU docent, Anita Lampel. The featured exhibition was Madayin: Eight Decades of Aboriginal Australian Bark Painting from Yirrkala, heralded by The Wall Street Journal as one of the “do not miss” exhibits of the year. We also visited About Time, works by Gail Rebhan, an extraordinary photographer who uses and reconfigures her medium to explore history, memory, and place. After touring the museum, many of us adjourned to Anita’s home for tea and desserts. The unseasonable weather was so lovely that the group was able to sit on her deck in the late afternoon sun. We talked and we all got to know each other a little better.