Holiday Cheer for GT Members
December 2022
Giving Together members turned out on December 8th for our first in-person holiday party in three years. We gathered at the home of co-president Renee Licht in Northwest DC and were treated to a multi-course Mediterranean buffet organized by the GT board.
The holiday party is a chance for the Giving Together leadership to thank our members for another successful year of collective philanthropy. It's also an opportunity for members to meet and socialize with each other -- particularly now, after three years of COVID social distancing. One of the evening's highlights was the presentation of an engraved crystal vase and a message of appreciation to immediate past president Karen Gilgoff, who served in the office of president from 2018 -2022.
The occasion also served as the collection point for GT's Community Service holiday-gift project. Members were asked to bring toys and winter accessories (hats, gloves, scarves for kids and adults) for the refugee clients of Homes Not Borders and Solutions in Hometown Connections. Both non-profits were beneficiaries of GT's spring 2022 fundraising campaign, which focused on local refugee resettlement.